First Place: Michigan Source Reduction Initiative (Midland, MI)
First place was awarded to the Michigan Source Reduction Initiative (MSRI) for their reduction of wastes and emissions of selected chemicals using only pollution prevention at the Michigan Operations Site of the Dow Chemical Company. This unique project was a joint undertaking of five Michigan environmental activist groups, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Dow Chemical Company. It resulted in the overall reduction of over 10.6 million pounds of waste and over 1.4 million pounds of releases. It also led to a savings of over $5 million per year for Dow with a capital cost of $3 million. (
Second Place: U.S. Army, Aberdeen Proving Ground (Aberdeen, MD)
The U.S. Army, Aberdeen Proving Ground's identification of Environmentally Preferred Paints received the second place award. Aberdeen Proving Ground worked with its Test Center's Maryland Environmental Technology Demonstration Center and Green Seal to develop a mechanism to purchase only those paints manufactured with less toxic constituents and lower volatile organic compounds. (
Third Place: Visteon Automotive Systems (Indianapolis, IN)
Third place was awarded to Visteon Automotive Systems, a Ford Motor Company facility for their P2 project that included a change to utilizing dry machining technology. This switch eliminated used oil (approximately 50,000 gallons per year) and oil mist (thereby eliminating an Air Emissions Permit). The project also resulted in energy savings and led to improved worker conditions. (
The PBT-Cup was added to the Roundtable’s annual Most Valuable Pollution Prevention (MVP2) Awards Program for voluntary reductions of persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals. The PBT-Cup was issued to two companies for demonstrating leadership in the reduction of these PBT Chemicals at their facilities.
PBT-Cup Award: American Video Glass (Mt. Pleasant, PA)
American Video Glass, located in Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania received the award for their efforts to reduce lead and other waste generation and to minimize the actual usage of hazardous waste. By changing raw materials, they eliminated 1800 tons of lead per year.
PBT-Cup Award: Stanley Works (Richmond, VA)
Stanley Works, a plating operation in Richmond, Virginia, received its award for optimizing its processes in its metal finishing and plating operations. Through their waste minimization program, Stanley Works’ Richmond Operation has seen a reduction in plating costs of $400,000 since 1998, and has reduced zinc plating sludge by approximately 150 cubic yards per year.