Event featuring a 2020 NPPR MVP2 Award Winner!
Presented by Mark S. Rossi, PhD - Executive Director, Clean Production Action (CPA)
Demand for inherently safer chemicals in products and manufacturing operations is on the rise. Consumers, institutional purchasers, and retailers want products made with safer chemicals. Brands are requiring suppliers to avoid hazardous chemicals and use safer alternatives. Investors prefer companies that commit to reducing their chemical footprint. And governments are restricting the use of hazardous chemicals in products. This session will explore tools for: • Identifying chemicals of concern and safer chemicals. • Identifying products made with safer chemicals. • Creating organizational capacity to move ahead of regulatory compliance in chemicals management.
The tool we will use for identifying safer chemicals and products is GreenScreen and the tool we will use for creating greater organization capacity is the Chemical Footprint Project Survey.
TO REGISTER: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7369626630852173327
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Attn: Laura Henne