April 16th Webinar: Greening Your Bottom Line: Reducing Operating Costs in Food and Beverage Businesses
Webinar Title: Greening Your Bottom Line: Reducing Operating Costs in Food and Beverage Businesses
Date: April 16, 2021
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET
Description: This interactive webinar will explore opportunities to reduce costs during these challenging times of COVID-19. In this introductory webinar and subsequent webinars, we will explore:
Participants will (1) complete a self-assessment to identify opportunities to reduce costs while improving sustainability practices; (2) learn about strategies and results by other businesses; (3) share challenges and experiences; and (4) learn about available resources.
Additional monthly webinars will be held on specific topics such as cleaning/disinfection (May 21), waste (June 18), energy (July 16), and water (August 20).
Offered by: University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (CEERE)
Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI)
There is no charge for the webinar but please register here.
Additional monthly webinars will be held on specific topics such as cleaning and disinfection, waste, energy, and water. Learn more at http://www.ceere.org/food.html.
This workshop is made possible by a grant to the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at UMass Lowell by EPA Region 1 New England (Pollution Prevention grant #00A00329).
For questions or additional information, contact Madeline_TypadisSnow@uml.edu.
Contact Us:
Mailing Address:
Bureau of Sustainability
Mail Code 401-02H
401 East State St.
Trenton, NJ 08625-0420
Attn: Laura Henne