WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Attendees must be employees of state or territorial government agencies.
WHERE: Zoom Registration required: https://csg-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pf-2hrjotGtLMYK-RASN67gE4_b2UBgS6
The cannabis industry produces a lot of waste including plant waste, packaging waste, lighting waste, and solvent waste. Some waste streams are highly regulated and others have disposal policies that mandate increased waste generation. Learn from Colorado and Michigan about the various waste streams and environmentally efficient practices to address each one.
Webinar objectives include to:
- Discuss the cannabis industry’s waste streams
- Evaluate best practices for handling and reducing waste from cannabis business
- Understand emerging waste issues unique to the cannabis industry
- Mike Bankoff, Environmental Protection Specialist, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
- Aaron Hiday, Compost Program Coordinator, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).