Please join us for our September NPPR F&B Workgroup meeting!
We welcome Ify Isigwe with the Washington Department of Ecology to speak about reductions for CIP, refrigeration, and pH wastewater management. There will be time for Q&A and discussion.
Hope to see you then!
Our Speaker:
Ifeanyi Isigwe, Ph.D., P.E. | Toxics reduction engineer
Ify is a chemical engineer at the Washington Department of Ecology with over six years of experience working in the chemical manufacturing and environmental regulatory sector. He is currently focused on working with food and beverage processors to determine resource conservation opportunities (e.g., energy, chemical, and water) and transition toward safer refrigerants.
Contact Us:
Mailing Address:
Bureau of Sustainability
Mail Code 401-02H
401 East State St.
Trenton, NJ 08625-0420
Attn: Laura Henne