On April 19 we are going to discuss a Detoxification Agenda that will boost the economy. Both governments and companies have learned how to make better products through environmental consciousness. We have had highly successful government programs that we can expand to accelerate progress rapidly, and dramatically reduce the dispersion of poisons, flammables, neurotoxins, persistent bioaccumulating toxins, sensitizers and many other problematic materials we don’t need and which cause harm. Widespread misunderstanding about the risks of regulation holds us back, but well-designed regulation can benefit industry as well as the public and all living things.
From 2-4pm we will have presentations from relevant world experts and discussion, and from 4-5pm you have the choice of participating as part of a group refining the Detox Agenda, or to learn about Environmental Data Utilization – how the immense amount of environmental data produced by regulation can and should be used for progress. We invite you to come to Boston University in person but you can also participate by zoom.

To Participate by Zoom, use this registration link: https://bostonu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrduuhqj4jH9OOmgaOfC8BUq3s3MdaGJ6o
To Register to attend in person, write to floyde@bu.edu with DETOX in the subject line, with your name and affiliation. The first part will take place at 750 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 209, and the breakout sessions in 675 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 453.