Join us on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 1:00 pm EDT to hear Alex Symko and Amelia Wagner discuss the Toxics Use Reduction Institute’s (TURI) Safer Cleaning Module for Food and Beverage Operations currently for free in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
Technical assistance providers, like the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services’ Pollution Prevention Program (NHPPP), are offering a limited number of free cleaning and sanitizing chemical alternatives assessments performed by TURI. These free assessments range from a simple review of cleaning chemicals performed by TURI which includes a NHPPP facility tour to collect samples, to comprehensive in-house testing to ensure recommendations meet the stringent performance standards food and beverage producers must follow, as well as looking at ways to minimize safety risks, improving environmental performance, and reduce operational costs.
For more information, email Kathy Black at
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Attn: Laura Henne