Pollution prevention is the reduction or elimination of pollution at the source (source reduction) instead of at the end-of-the-pipe or stack. Source reduction allows for the greatest and quickest improvements in environmental protection by avoiding the generation of waste and harmful emissions.
This upcoming P2U webinar will highlight why it's important to protect storm drains and how businesses can help protect waterways. It will share key checklist measures for your green business program along with resources to help you feel confident in helping businesses in your network.


Julianne Rhodes has worked in both the public and private sectors developing specifications for on-site regulatory compliance of projects involving the assessment and removal of hazardous materials. Julianne gained extensive project, personnel, and contract management experience during her 12 years as engineering manager at Cruzio.com and subsequently earned a Masters in Applied Marine and Watershed Science from California State University Monterey Bay. Her background in environmental issues and technology led her to be the Director of Technology and Environmental Outcomes for the California Green Business Network.

Cassie Carroll serves as the Marketing and Outreach Program Director at the Smart Energy Design Assistance Center (SEDAC) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She directs outreach, marketing and client recruitment efforts, helping customers move towards a more energy efficient future. In addition, Cassie is a co-founder of the Illinois Green Business Association, overseeing the overall organizational operations, partnership development, fundraising and grant management, outreach, program development and more. She also leads the Green Business Engagement National Network (GBENN), a consortium of green business programs across the US.
Donna Walden has 25 years experience in global marketing and managing not-for-profit organizations. Ms. Walden was responsible for launching the green business program for Nevada, developing needed partnerships, supervising staff and implementing the certification model and portal in Nevada. Ms. Walden started Nevada’s first green dining district in 2019 and helps lead the Green Dining Nevada effort for the state. Walden supports the Green Business Engagement National Network, helping them to structure their organization, strategic planning, and organization of their bi-annual Summit.
For 5 years, Walden was the Regional Coordinator for the Western Sustainability & Pollution Prevention Network, where she managed EPA grants, provided educational and resources for technical assistance for EPA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada). As Executive Director for Sierra Green Building Association (2009-2010), she launched their 1st annual Tahoe greenFEST expo and ran the organization for 2 years. Walden received national recognition in 2013 as the Pollution Prevention Volunteer of the Year 2013 by the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable. In 2022, Walden was recognized P2 Champion by her peers at the P2 West Conference in October in Portland Oregon.
- Members - Free
- Non-members - $20*
- Invited Guests - Free**
*Webinars, subsequent recordings, and resources shared are offered at no cost to NPPR members. Non-members are invited to participate for a nominal fee. Not sure if you're a member? Log-in to check your membership status. Contact admin@p2.org if you need assistance.
**NPPR Members can invite guests by informing admin@p2.org who to add to the guest list by noon (ET) on April 9, 2025.